Release from 18.11.2024

Successful Training & Onboarding: FACC Academy Starts Operations

For the successful onboarding and ongoing training of existing employees, the FACC Academy has started operations in Reichersberg (Upper Austria) after a construction period of around 18 months.

As an international aviation company, FACC has a high demand for highly qualified employees. In order to counteract the shortage of skilled workers, the company is therefore relying on a training concept in which existing crew members receive the targeted training they need and new employees are prepared for their respective areas of work as part of a personalized onboarding program. After an 18-month intensive planning and implementation phase, the FACC Academy has now been put into operation in Reichersberg (Upper Austria), which is available to the entire workforce.

"FACC AG is one of the world's top aviation companies internationally. With the new FACC Academy, we have created a platform for the exchange of knowledge, with which we can further expand our know-how lead and draw on the best possible trained personnel. With this investment in our employees, we are also expressing the importance of further training in the company," emphasizes CEO Robert Machtlinger.

In the planning and design of the FACC Academy, great importance was attached to an open and communicative space that is intended to serve as a joint exchange and will function as an internal forum and discussion platform. During ongoing operations, more than 250 training courses will take place per year in the newly built center – from special training courses for the aviation industry for existing employees to leadership training for prospective and experienced managers. Five training rooms are available for this purpose on around 500 m2. In the technically excellently equipped FACC Sky Lab, employees can also be introduced to new production processes and new processes can be tested.

Language courses as an integration measure

"FACC employs people from over 50 nations worldwide. This diversity is a great strength for the entire company and plays a significant role in our innovative strength," emphasizes Martina Hamedinger, VP Human Resources. In order to break down language barriers within the workforce and enable efficient collaboration, FACC therefore offers free language courses as a central integration measure, which are currently used by around 160 people. This puts sustainable integration in the foreground. The aim is for newcomers to be able to successfully anchor themselves in the region.
About FACC

FACC is a worldwide leading aerospace company in design, development and production of aerospace technologies and advanced aircraft lightweight systems. Being the technology partner of all major manufacturers, FACC works together with its customers on developing solutions for the mobility of the future. Every second, there is an aircraft taking off with FACC technology on board. In the fiscal year 2023, FACC achieved 736 million Euro in revenues. More than 3,700 people from +50 nations are employed at 15 international locations worldwide. The company is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange. For more information please visit


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Successful Training & Onboarding:  FACC Academy Starts Operations
3 984 x 2 767 © FACC
4 000 x 2 668 © FACC - Rambossek
4 000 x 2 668 © FACC - Rambossek
4 000 x 2 668 © FACC - Rambossek


Jakob Reichsöllner-Frischling
Jakob Reichsöllner-Frischling, MA
Corporate Spokesperson
Cell: +43/664/80119-2089